YouTube Video MKP

Hey Friends,

I want to share that I am now on YouTube as a result of a TV show that filmed back in September up in Keene, NH. (thanks to Bob Miessner and the men at the Monadnock Men’s Resource Center)

I thought I would make it easy for you all and send the link to you.
I am happy about this and proud of my continuing involvement with the ManKind Project.

And, as I have said before, we have a weekly men’s group that gets together in Springfield, MA – any man is welcome to attend and check it out. I get a huge boost every week – this is a way for me to help myself achieve goals, get clarity in my mind and in my heart, dig into what is really going on for me without excuses and blame, and have fun connecting with men in a way that is really out of the ordinary in our culture.

The last four years have been awesome for me. I have closer connections to everyone I interact with. I have more self confidence, less fear, less anxiety, more stability, more laughter, more intimacy with my wife, more commitment to social justice, and men all around me that I can count on to support me and tell me the truth. This work made some of the reading and searching  for “IT” I have done over the years come to life! (I had “IT” all along) And the great thing is – I’m NOT FIXED! I am as human as I ever was, I still break things and mess up. I just seem to have a much wider variety of CHOICES about how to act and take responsibility for my life.

I had to set aside a lot of fear in order to take the risk. The investment has been really worth it.

Please feel free to forward this around. If you know a man in your life who is ready to take a big step – the New Warrior Training Adventure might be a good fit. I am open to talking to anyone (or group of people) about MKP. We are a NON-profit and NON-religious group. All beliefs are welcome at our trainings and in our circles.

If you don’t change anything – you’re guaranteed that nothing will change.

All the best.

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